Wednesday, May 14, 2008


We search'd Him
Found a path,
The new flow'r filled and odoured, green
We walked and walked and walked and walked.
Telling tales singing songs.

On our way,
we found those
who don’t know Him and this passage.
We talked and talked and talked and talked
Making them walk with us.

Way-side bay
boarded boats.
Pacing with a wavy move.
They preached and preached and preached and preached
water way, right path to Him.

Some of us
Thought them right
put the boots and picked the dish
And changed and changed and changed and changed
The old group to join new.

Some of us
Called them frauds,
warned the digressed members false.
This broke and broke and broke and broke
Our large group and our prospectus.

Some of them
Thought us right
Promised they would come with us
This broke and broke and broke
Their large group and their prospectus.

Journey stopped,
Camped we there
Each argued "We are right"
And fought and fought and fought and fought
But none was truly succeeded.

There we lost
our thought of Him.
And all our pray'rs and pleads to Him
Thus lost and lost and lost and lost
Concord He had had with us.

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